Coronavirus (COVID-19)

If you are planning on travelling distance to attractions, we would recommend that you contact the venues directly in advance to avoid disappointment.

If you, or any of your party have a new persistant cough, or develop a fever of 38C, we would instead advise you to use the NHS's dedicated website for professional advice.

RSPB Middleton Lakes Reserve

Nestled in the beautiful Tame valley, just south of Tamworth on the Staffordshire/Warwickshire border, Middleton Lakes is our latest nature reserve to open to the public. Since we acquired the site in 2007, we've worked hard to make sure the final restoration benefits birds, wildlife and visitors. The area is already regionally important for overwintering wildfowl such as pochards, tufted ducks and smews. Middleton Lakes will become the most important site for breeding waders in the Midlands. The lakes, reedbeds, meadows and woodlands make it one of the best birdwatching sites in the area. We have also recently opened our new Lookout hide overlooking the northern scrapes. If you come and visit we'd love to know what you think. Other special wildlife here includes otters, butterflies, wetland plants and dragonflies. The reserve has been designed with families in mind, so there are always lots of ways to enjoy nature, whatever the season. Hope to see you soon!
The reserve and trails are open every day from dawn until dusk.
There is a charge of £2, allowing entry for up-to four people. RSPB members get in for free.
Middleton Lakes is excellent for birdwatching, whatever your level of knowledge and experience. Our distinct habitats offer different bird species, from woodland birds to open water waders.
Our playmeadow has been designed for families. You're encouraged to experience nature up close and personal. Clamber on the tangly tree, scramble up the grassy mound, find your way around the maze! and much more.
Dogs are allowed on certain parts of the reserve providing they are kept on a lead at all times. Please contact the reserve for further information when planning your visit.

  • Currently: Fog, 9° C
  • Sunday: Low-level cloud, 10° C
  • Monday: Sunny, 10° C